Annecy, France

Southwest of Switzerland, nestled in the French Alps, is a town of many attributes. My first task after leaving my bags behind at the hotel Icone-Annecy was to get some food. A small restaurant was melting cheese then pouring it over prosciutto on soft French bread. Yum! After browsing around the various items at the market along the street free of cars, I made my way down to the boats along the canal.

The clouds provided different color schemes on the turquoise water of lake Annecy. A much older couple cut in front of me as I was purchasing a ticket for a boat ride. The attendant was quick to tell them they were being rude and should wait their turn, or so I gather since most of the French I know involves food. The boat glided across the nearly clear water as the threat of rain lingered overhead. There was beauty everywhere I looked.

I spent the rest of the afternoon walking around old town looking at the sites, eating violet ice cream, and enjoying the fresh air of the French Alps. Check out the video in the link below.

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