The Quiet of London

The quiet of London is not what comes to mind when one thinks of this vibrant city. It was not entirely quiet at first, when I visited this Spring. The subway was still running, though would soon close forty stations. Restaurants still served food, but with shortened hours. The tourists were mostly gone, except for those who live in England and locals enjoying the city emptied of those from far away. The shows had all cancelled. We had booked two. Schools were still holding classes, and construction never ceased. The shops on Oxford street still clung to those who would … Continue reading The Quiet of London

Annecy, France

Southwest of Switzerland, nestled in the French Alps, is a town of many attributes. My first task after leaving my bags behind at the hotel Icone-Annecy was to get some food. A small restaurant was melting cheese then pouring it over prosciutto on soft French bread. Yum! After browsing around the various items at the market along the street free of cars, I made my way down to the boats along the canal. The clouds provided different color schemes on the turquoise water of lake Annecy. A much older couple cut in front of me as I was purchasing a … Continue reading Annecy, France